July 2004


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Ewa Solarczyk <[log in to unmask]>
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Ewa Solarczyk <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 Jul 2004 22:50:56 +0200
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AEGEE-Europe:: Monthly Review - March 2004 ::   
      :: Summary ::      
     1  Mediating Europe - By, Between and Beyond in Minsk (Belarus)   
      2  AEGEE expresses satisfaction over the European Constitution    
      3  The Olympic Flame in AEGEE's hands   
      4  Summer University Project triggered off last month!   
      5  Seminar in Napoli (Italy)   
      6  JCI - new partnership of AEGEE-Europe   
      7  Up-coming events   
      8  AEGEE-Europe partners   
      9  Contact 

     :: Mediating Europe - By, Between and Beyond in Minsk (Belarus) ::   
      On the 3rd of June 25 students from all over Europe gathered in Minsk, Belarus, for an AEGEE conference entitled "Mediating Europe: BY, Between and Beyond". The three-day event focused on the relationships between Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and the European Union. 

      The event was the third conference organized in the larger framework of AEGEE's large-scale project "EU & Europe", dealing with the relations between the EU and its neighbours after the enlargement of the 1st of May 2004. Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova form a group of these neighbouring countries and, consequently, "Mediating Europe" focused on the relations between these states and the EU in its new composition.
          Press release anticipating the conference can be seen here.

      Report from the Conference can be seen here.

     :: AEGEE expresses satisfaction over the European Constitution ::   
      On the 21st of June AEGEE-Europe made a statement expressing our great satisfaction over a historic deal on the Constitution for Europe, reached in Brussels by the European Council of Ministers on the 18th of June 2004. The Constitution for Europe is undoubtedly the achievement of the European politicians of the last decades, and is a significant step foreword in the development of the common European principles. 
          AEGEE-Europe statement can be viewed here. top 

     :: The Olympic Flame in AEGEE's hands ::   
      On the 21st of June Nicola Rega, President of AEGEE-Europe, took part in a wonderful experience of running with the Olympic Torch in the name of AEGEE-Europe. He proudly represented AEGEE in front of many international media. What is also very important is that this event created for AEGEE the opportunity to have a space on the publication of the International Labour Organisation and the possibility to cooperate with their programme "Youth Employment Network". 


     :: Summer University Project triggered off last month! ::   
      Summer University project, successfully operating for 16 summers now, is still developing and the number of courses is increasing year by year. The numbers speak for themselves:
      100 Summer Universities
      127 participating locals (64% of the whole AEGEE Network)
      138 Organizing teams (for SUs with more than one local)
      2738 total places offered
      39 SUs can host the disabled (both motorial and sensorial)...
      Mobility that SUs offer to students enables them to overcome physical borders as well as broaden their horizons by achieving a higher level of intercultural understanding. 
      Summer Universities started this month and will finish by the mid-September.   
          Find out more about the project by clicking here. top 

     :: Seminar in Napoli (Italy) ::  
      AEGEE-Napoli seminar on the Enlargment and new perspectives and opportunities for the young and students took place on the 11st of June in San Nicola la Strada, near the city of Naples, under the patronage of the Major of the city, Mr. Angelo Pascariello, and with the fundamental support of the CEICC-Napoli, an information centre and help-desk on the European Community matters. The seminar was entitled "New opportunities for youngsters due to the enlargment of the European Community". 

      Another local event organised last month in Italy was the conference "Enlarge Your Knowledge" coordinated by AEGEE-Cagliari and Italian section of the European Movement.
          The report from the seminar in Napoli can be viewed here. top  


     :: JCI - new partnership of AEGEE-Europe ::   
      Protocol of Cooperation with JCI signed!
      AEGEE-Europe signed Protocol of Cooperation with Junior Chamber International on June 3 in Lausanne, Switzerland. Establishing links between Junior Chamber International and AEGEE-Europe creates the path for youth from all over Europe to grow up and develop their skills first as students and then as entrepreneurs. The partnership will bring local JCI "chapters" together with their AEGEE counterparts across Europe.

          To learn more about the partnership with JCI click here. top 

     :: Up-coming events ::   
      The up-coming events are:

      * Shalom in Krakow (Jewish Culture Festival) - Krakow (Poland) - 27 June - 04 July 2004 
      * Russia and EU (Conference) - Moscow and St. Petersburg (Russia) - 2 -11 July 2004 
      * Performing Arts Summer School (Cultural Event) - Gdansk (Poland) - 15 August - 5 September 2004 
          AEGEE Calendar of events click here. top 

     :: AEGEE-Europe partners ::    - our official media partner 
      JCI (Junior Chamber International)
      AEGEE-Europe is a member of Youth Forum Jeunesse and IFISO (Informal Platform of Student Organisations)

      FATF - AEGEE Trust Fund Foundation - is an official AEGEE supporting partner - 
          To learn more about AEGEE-Europe partners click here. top 

     :: Contact ::   
      If you have any questions concerning AEGEE activities or you wish to be unsubscribed from this list, please don't hesitate to contact: 

      AEGEE-Europe - 

      Rue Nestor de Tière 15
      B-1030 Brussels
      Tel: +32-2-215 40 68 
      Fax: +32-2-245 62 60 
      Email: [log in to unmask]

      In order to receive an AEGEE-Europe information package containing our publications (Key to Europe and The Gazette), contact Ewa Solarczyk, Public Relations Director.
      To learn more about AEGEE-Europe publications, go to the projects section by clicking HERE.
          For more information about AEGEE click here top 


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