Dear friends,

we are in contact with MALEV airlines and trying to get cheap air fares 
for the PM in Skpoje.
For this reason we have to know the approximate number of people from your 
antenna who intend to participate to the statutory meeting.
I also need to know how they (you) plan to reach Macedonia.

MALEV (Hungarian Airlines) have connections to Milano Malpensa and Roma 
The flight will be MPX-Budapest-Skopje or FCO-Budapest-Skopje.

Please inform me before tomorrow evening so that I can send these info to 
to our contact in MALEV and get the offer.

Looking forward to your reply.


Mauro Schiavon
External Relations Resoponsible/VP

Rue Nestor de Tière 15
B-1030 Bruxelles
Tel. 0032-2-2452300
Fax 0032-2-2456260
Mobile 0032-476-985667

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