I'm forwarding to RAINBOW-L the short lines below that Enrico sent only to
me but that probably he wanted to post to the list...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Enrico Lai" <[log in to unmask]>
To: "Chiara B." <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: [RAINBOW-L] Motivation

> hey all.. actually also Dominika that is member of Aegee Cagliari is
member of the
> region and she was elected in the member commission
> Ciao
> Enrico

YES indeed!I badly forgot! I had her in mind but then I went through other
topics, ending up to forgot about her!

Sorry so much Dominika for having forgot you out of the Rainbow region,
really sorry.... but you know.. rumours are so many... and in the late CD
newsletter Carletto stated "there's a good chance to buy an house in  BXL,
50 meters from CD house"... so ... well, I was still wondering in wich
Region you would have belong in the coming months! ;-)))
(Carletto, don't complain! It means that I read carefully the CD letter
until the END!!!)

A part from jokes, best congrats also to Dominika Wiora, former Treasurer
AEGEE-Europe, elected as Member of the Member's Commission!
Chiara Benetazzo

ABC team
Rainbow sub-Commissioners team

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