Hi everybody!

Some of the Summer Universities are already over, some are still going on,
some will take place in the next weeks. But all of them will end and after
the SU there is still somethings to do: the evaluation of the SU. Only
that way you will be able to know if your SU was good or not.

That's why we have evaluation forms that are made by SUCT (Summer
University Coordination Team).
New evaluation form (for year 2002) is ready on the web-site
www.aegee.org/su (click on the link: Submit an evaluation)
This years evaluation is changed. There is more questions, more datailed
answers are requested, the questionary is divided in more parts...
More friendly for participants and more valuable for the SUCT (that will
help improve the whole project of SU's).
From this year your eval. cannot be anonymous anymore.

For organizers: please invite people who attended you event to submit the
evaluation, if you have a mailing list for your event, write to ask for
them !  Or you can tell them already at the event and just remind them
Don't forget to update the selection/attendance list of SU's (which
particints came, which cancelled...).

For the locals: advise your members that atended SU to fill in this

One more reminder: don't forget to have lecture about AEGEE on your SU.

That's all from me for now.

Take care and have a great summer!


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