
1.    Have you filled in the online survey at www.aegee.org/globalyouth?

If YES - good! Pass to question no. 2

If NO  -  bad, very bad! Do it now, then pass to question no. 2

2.    Have you asked your friends to fill in the online survey?

If YES - even better! Pass to question no. 3

If NO   - do it now, then pass to question no. 3

3.    Have you asked your friends to ask their friends to fill in the survey?

If YES - You're the best! You can go out for a drink (or two) now :).

If NO  -  Do it now, then you're free to go too ;).

The Youth and Globalisation Project Team would like to kindly ask you to fill in the online survey you can find at www.aegee.org/globalyouth. Thank you for your cooperation! (the serious version for the serious people)

                The Y & G Project Team!

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