AEGEE-Europe:: Monthly Review - July/August 2003 :: ::Summary:: 1 Turkish - Greek Civic Dialogue 2 Cyprus in Europe - Europe in Cyprus 3 Youth & Globalisation: Study Meetings 4 Caucasus Case Study Trip 5 Palestinians, Israelis and Europeans 6 Upcoming events 7 AEGEE-Europe media partners 8 Contact information ::: Turkish - Greek Civic Dialogue:: The Turkish-Greek Civic Dialogue reached its peak at the Cultural Youth Festival 'KayaFest'. Over 4,000 youths participated in the various workshops, dealing with psychology, photography, dance, music and much more. Judging by the turnout and the massively enthusiastic reaction from all participants - Turkish, Greek and European - the Festival was deemed hugely successful. Several cities in Greece and Turkey have already showed interest in organizing a similar festival. The project aims at improving the mutual understanding of the two societies, both amongst themselves and toward third parties. To read more about the Turkish - Greek Civic Dialogue, please click here top ::: Cyprus in Europe - Europe in Cyprus :: Less than a year before the enlargement, AEGEE-Europe will organise the conference "Cyprus in Europe - Europe in Cyprus", in order to foster bi-communal dialogue and activities, together with young Europeans from our network. The conference will take place in the Buffer Zone in Nicosia on 12 September 2003. It will facilitate an intercultural youth dialogue, bring ing together both Cyprus communities and other Europeans to discuss about the future of Cyprus in Europe. To read more about the conference visit the AEGEE-Europe website here top ::: Youth & Globalisation - Study Meetings :: The 'Youth & Globalisation' project has entered the second phase of activity, in the form of six Study Meetings. The first three, dealing with Geocommunication, Economics and Culture, have now been concluded successfully in the cities of Bayreuth, Paris and Riga, respectively. Study Meetings dealing with politics (Cluj-Napoca, Ro) and Civic Society (Izmir, Tr) are to be held in September and October, followed by a Joint Study Meeting in Trieste and Udine in November. The Joint Study Meeting will bring together the conclusions from all previous Meetings, preparing a draft to be presented at the World Youth Summit on Globalisation, to be held in Brussels from 2-5 December 2003. For more information about the 'Youth & Globalisation' project, please click here top ;:: Caucasus Case Study Trip:: Within the framework of the Year Plan Topic 'Europe in the World', a delegation of fifteen AEGEE members, youth leaders from various AEGEE local groups, travelled two weeks in August to the Caucasus, in order to gain a more insightful understanding of the region. Starting in Georgia, they have visited several youth NGOs, attended various meetings and workshops with local youth leaders in Tiblilisi. On the next phase, they have splitted into two teams, continuing similar activities in Armenia and Azerbaijan. Further information on the Caucasus Case Study Trip can be found here top ::: Palestinians, Israelis and Europeans :: From 4-10 August, Palestinian, Israeli and European students gathered in Copenhagen, in order to discuss the developments in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The conference was the third in a series of three, and aimed not only at opening the dialogue between Israeli and Palestinian students, but also to look at the possibility for a future project-based approach, in order to maintain the attention to the conflict. For more information concerning PIE, please click here top ;:: Upcoming events :: a.. Cyprus in Europe-Europe in Cyprus - The conference is aimed at allowing European students to learn more about the situation in Cyprus, and to open a dialogue between students from both Cypriot Communities. Within this tri-communal atmosphere, new ideas and projects can be launched. The conference is to be held in the Buffer Zone in Nicosia on 12 September 2003. a.. Youth & Globalisation Study Seminars - Three Study Meetings remain on the programme: one in Cluj-Napoca (Politics), one in Izmir (Civic Society) and the final one in Trieste and Udine (Joint Study Meeting). [more] b.. "Population Exchange Panels" - From 6-9 September, a series of three conferences wil be addressing the issue of population exchange, within the Turkish-Greek Civic Dialogue. [more] c.. Autumn Planning Meeting 2003 - On 13 and 14 September 2003, AEGEE Europe will convene its annual Autumn Planning Meeting. This meeting is designed to plan and prepare proposals and projects for the forthcoming Autumn AGORA, to be held in Zaragoza in October. [more] To see more up-coming events click here top :: AEGEE-Europe media partners :: AEGEE-Europe enjoys the media support of ; Eurodesk and More information at AEGEE-Europe partners section top :: Contact :: If you have any questions concerning AEGEE Europe or its activities, or you would like to unsubscribe from this list, please contact: Alexander Taylor Director of Public Relations Comité Directeur AEGEE Europe e-mail: [log in to unmask] Rue Nestor de Tière 15 B-1030 Brussels Tel: +32-2-245 23 00 Fax: +32-2-245 62 60 General: [log in to unmask] Media: [log in to unmask] Partners: [log in to unmask] IT: [log in to unmask] Visit AEGEE-Europe web page at top ============================================== This is the AEGEE Monthly Review mailing list. Archives and subscription options are available via IF you want to unsubscribe from the list use this link:$WHOM or