Press Release – 2004-07-28


Joint student NGO press conference in Brussels


The international students’ organizations, members of the Informal Forum of International Students’ Associations (IFISO), have met today in Brussels at a joint press conference covering the presentation of the independent Report on:
‘The Incoherency of the European Commission in Supporting Youth Organizations’ – Focus on International Students’ Organizations
and a short introduction to IFISO and the International Students’ Organizations involved.

The report was sent to the European Commission (DG EAC), the European Parliament (Committee on Education and Culture) and selected key stakeholders in Brussels, outlines the changes in the scope of the support granted to International Youth NGOs and shows, how slight changes in the eligibility criteria decreased the number of granted student NGOs by 75% within one year (from 2002-2003). The report furthermore illustrates how this influenced the diversity of the supported organizations by removing all students’ organizations, which are not linked to political parties and religious groups from the scope of EC-funding.


Every year the European Commission assigns a grant under article of the General Budget of the European Communities: “Support for International Non-Governmental Youth Organisations”. The nomenclature for 2004 was APB 2004, formerly A-3029. The report aims to analyse the effects the Commission’s policy has had on Youth Organisations, and to propose to the Commission an alternative approach. The analysis is based on the grants awarded for the years 2002 and 2003. You can find the report under the following url:


IFISO, the Informal Forum of International Students' Organisations, is an informal forum of elected and appointed officers of international non-profit student organisations which are not linked to any political party or religious group. The student organizations involved jointly represent over 2 million students in Europe. IFISO sets a common platform of collaboration amongst international student organizations in order to strengthen their capacities through knowledge and information sharing and identification of common areas of involvement.


IFISO sets a common platform of collaboration amongst international student organizations in order to strengthen their capacities through knowledge and information sharing and identification of common areas of involvement.

The participant organizations are: AEGEE - Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe, AIESEC - Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales, BEST  - Board of European Students of Technology, CERP Students - The European Public Relations Students Association, EDSA - European Dental Students Association, EESTEC - Electrical Engineering Students' European association, EFPSA - European Federation of Psychology Students' Associations, EMSA - European Medical Students' Association, EPSA - European Pharmaceutical Students' Association, ESTIEM - European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management, FISEC - Food Industry Students European Council, IAAS - International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences, IADS - International Association of Dental Students, IAPS - International Association of Physics Students, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IFMSA - International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations, IFSA - International Forestry Students' Association, IPSF - International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation, IPSO - International Psychology Students Organisation, ISAVCP - International Students' Association for Village Concept Projects, IVSA - The International Veterinary Students' Association, JADE - The European Confederation of Junior Enterprises.



More information:

Ewa Solarczyk
Public Relations Director / Vice-President
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European Students' Forum (AEGEE)
Rue Nestor de Tière 15
B-1030 Brussels
(t)     +32 2 245 2300
(m)   +32 485 625 112
(fax) +32 2 245 6260