Who: AEGEE-Trieste and University of Trieste

What: Conference  ?20 Years of Erasmus Project?

When: 25th October  at 17.30

Where: Room ?M?, ground floor of the Law Faculty (main building of  
Piazzale Europa)


Franck Biancheri, AEGEE founder and promoter of the Erasmus Project,  
President of Newropeans
Democratization of the EU: the core political responsibility of the  
Erasmus generations.

Stefano Pilotto, Erasmus coordinator and Professor of  International  
Politics, Political Sciences Faculty, University of Trieste
The cultural and social impact of Erasmus Program on the European  
young generations.

Moderator: Giulio Tarlao, Professor and Researcher ISIG

Work languages: English and Italian

(AEGEE-Trieste Extremely Amazing Members)

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