Hey dear locals,

I'm sending you the current database of received Activity Reports+Plans,
where you can see whether your Report is ok or you need to correct

As you can see, only 10 of the locals in our part of network managed to
submit an acceptable AR and AP, therefore I would like to remind all the
others to please submit their reports because it helps a lot when applying
for General subvention.

One more thing - if you get an "error", please check if you have the correct
form of dates -> the correct form is like this:

(e.g. 30.12.04)
any other format will not be accepted, and you'll keep getting an "error"

Good luck with the Reports+Plans, and see you at the Agora,


Katja Semibratov
"White Pearl" Network Commissioner
mobile: +38641601581
e-mail: [log in to unmask]

Katja Semibratov
Student Brand Manager

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