Heyy AEGEEans,
We have started this slogan ; FUN-ADVENTURE-HİSTORY

This is an open invitation from us to the Fun-Adventure-History.
AEGEE-Diyarbakır  invite you to take part in the hottest event of the upcoming summer under the sunrise in Diyarbakir
İf  you wonder a lot about the history, cultures, religions, languages and people; enjoy living adventures, having fun and if you are full of energy and love taking photographs.
If yes, our SU  is just for you.


none stop ,None tire and  none Sleep 
So what?


You will have the possibility to taste our cuisine and drinks European Night, which we will organise for You,And we bet,
it will stay in your mind for a long time


And of course a lot of fun, drinks, food, dance, games, sun, comfortable accommodation, briefly a marvellous holiday for a fortnight,


When ?
8 - 23  July  2008
Diyarbakir "The Open Air Museum"
Nemru" The City Of Gods"
Mardin "The City Of Stones"
Hazar Lake  " The love of Blue and Water"
Wiew From Mesopotamia

The Guard Of The Dreams Walls And The Others By AEGEE-Diyarbakir

There are only  two days to apply SU.Don't miss your chance...
Deadline       : 02.05.2008
Starting date:
Ending date : 23.07.2008
www             : http://www.aegee-diyarbakir.org
e-mail           : [log in to unmask]" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">[log in to unmask]


We are waiting for YOU :)

AEGEE-Diyarbakir SU TEAM
Su Coordinator
Gokhan Akdag
msn    : [log in to unmask]
phone: +90 535 54 471 13  (7/24)
web   : www.aegee-diyarbakir.org