Ladies, Gentlemen and AEGEEans,

we're proud to introduce you the NEW BOARD of AEGEE-Ferrara:

-- President: Daniele Di Rienzo - aka Cobra 
"At my signal, unleash hell"

-- Vicepresident: Cinzia Piccoli 
"Nobody asks to be a hero, it just sometines turns out that

-- Secretary: Guido Cagnoni
"It's not the years, honey; it's the mileage"

-- Treasurer: Michele Brugnatti
"It's a very difficult job and the only way to get through
it is we all work together as a team. And that means you do
everything I say"

-- IT Responsible: Emilio Marchi
"Never send a human to do a machine's job"

We want also to thank all the former members of the board
for their energy and props.

AEGEEfully yours,

AEGEE-Ferrara members

"There's no place like home" - that's why we travel

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