Miei cari arcobaleni, 
Avete visto questa iniziativa del The AEGEEan?  Mandate le vostre attivitą, che sono tante e tutte belle, e noi provvederemo a pubblicarle!!! 

Dear locals,
Ever heard the saying "Picture it, or it didn't happen"? That is the idea behind a new initiative from The AEGEEan who each month will be collecting photos from the Network of the activities you have been doing.
The pictures can be anything related to what AEGEE members have been doing across the past month and we really hope that you will contribute with photos from your meetings, events, exchanges, trips etc. 
All you have to do is send us your picture and the following information:* Who took the picture? (first name, surname, antenna)* When did the activity take place? (Date)* Who were involved? (Participants)* 4-5 lines about the activity (What did you do? Why did you organize it?)
We will start by collecting pictures of activities that has taken place in May 2014, so please send us your contribution no later than June 1st at 23.59 CET and we will publish it by the beginning of June. 
Looking forward to seeing your pictures! 
Best regards,
The AEGEEan - AEGEE's online magazine
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