
Dear list,

please find below some useful informations on how to join the next conference call:

a) FILL this doodle before TODAY Feb 2, monday, h23.59 http://doodle.com/r9bx298q6xq7dgwe
b) FILL this form before TOMORROW Feb 3, tuesday, h18.00 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1w1hDYep9omLCgj1GR14lKB4UMavtyD-Ym0s0XMDfEcw

Who are you?
I'm part of Subcommies team, responsible for IT and PR tasks and I'm helping Mario for technical stuff related to this meeting

Why it is so urgent and so last-minute?
Because an important discussion regarding our network was started on Facebook and the community has asked for a meeting ASAP out of Facebook

Who can join the conversation?
One person* for each local + NetCom Mario + Subcommies + external observers invited by NetCom

How to access the conversation?
Follow points a) and b) and you'll receive the invitation via mail

Do I need something special to join?
A recent computer (Windows or Mac) better if with an external mic/hearphones headset

Will we use Skype or Hangout?
No, we'll use AnyMeeting. You don't have to install any program to join

In which language it will be held?
Italian, to ensure the maximum participation of the network

Could I join later or from a different email address?

Could we use a single email and be present 15 people from the same computer?
Sure thing. Every local will have the same fixed timeslot

* In case of multiple applications from a local it will be choosen the first application received, in case of mistakes please mail me or message me via skype (nickname is on bottom of this mail)


Cari tutti,

come da discussione iniziata su Facebook e come da richiesta ricevuta da più parti, si farà un meeting online e vista l'urgenza c'è poco tempo per decidere quando:

a) RIEMPI questo doodle entro OGGI Feb 2, lunedì, h23.59 http://doodle.com/r9bx298q6xq7dgwe
b) RIEMPI questo form entro DOMANI Feb 3, martedì, h18.00 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1w1hDYep9omLCgj1GR14lKB4UMavtyD-Ym0s0XMDfEcw

Qual è il tuo ruolo?
Aiuto Mario negli aspetti tecnici di questo meeting, essendo subcommie per la roba IT

Perchè le deadlines sono così vicine?
Perchè parte della network ha chiesto di avere altre date per il meeting

Chi può accedere?
Una persona* per local + Mario + Subcommies + osservatori/moderatori

Come accedo?
Segui i punti a) e b) e riceverai una mail di invito

Che mi serve per accedere?
Un computer (Mac o Windows), cuffie e microfono. Non installare nessun programma, non serve

Usiamo Skype o simili?
Usiamo AnyMeeting

Posso accedere successivamente al meeting o tramite un indirizzo email non fornito / fornito dopo la deadline?

Possono essere presenti più persone per local, utilizzando un solo computer?
Certo :) il tempo a disposizione per ogni local non cambia

* Nel caso ricevessi più richieste da una local, solo la prima richiesta verrà tenuta in considerazione



Peppe Colicchia

SubCom Rainbow Network
Member of HRC, ITC, PRC
Member of AEGEE-Pisa http://www.aegeepisa.it
Honorary Member of AEGEE-Beograd http://www.aegee-beograd.org/

Personal page http://www.colicchia.eu
Skype: peppemarsala
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