Dear friends,
let me remember you the aim of MISC-REG-L list(AEGEE-list of

1rst. communication!
2. promuovere co-operazione     /cooperation in the region
3. presentare le proprie attivita'(sia a livello locale che europeo)
                                /promote our events(local&European events)
4. cercare partners per organizzare eventi
                                /seek for partners in organising events
 e per promuovere questi eventi
5. ma anche per parlare dei problemi che incontriamo
                                /talk about the problems we faced
6. chiedere consiglio,ricevere aiuto
                                /ask for advice,for help
7. scambiare informazioni,materiale ed esperienze
                                /exchange of informations & AEGEE material
                                and share our experiences
8. organizzare viaggi insieme   /organise travel teams

Vi prego usate questa list per presentare la vostra antenna
e le attivita'future...

if you have an event send it to the list!!
Everybody want to know  who are and what are doing the AEGEE people
in the neighbourhood! Make PR of your events!

ricordate che la vostra regione vuole saperlo!!!!


            Autumn Regional Meeting 22-24.10  AEGEE-Genova

MISC-REG-L is hosted on aegeeserv courtesy of AEGEE-Karlsruhe. Check out for the archives of public lists.