We  from Rijeka have another idea witch Aeege-Europe doesn't have on their web page.......
here it is:
Except board (LCD) informations, each local shoud colect informatinos about their city, how to reach their city (by bus,train-time table-),  cheap restaurants,pubs(for students), accomodations, who (from Aegee) to contact with when you find yourself in emergency situations ,public transport , important telephone numbers, etc...
  There should be  a link of regional pages  on Aegee-Europe pages, so that every Aegee-person who wants to travel through  our region could   find usefull information.....
  This came to my mind since me and my friend will try to  come at Agora in  Poznan by hitchhing and these info. would be very usefull to us   (you know, shited economical situation in Croatia ).
And I think that  all that can be made very simply  and   Clearly if web monster is skilled!
Tell me your coments ....
   IF YOU see two guys with huge bags on  the way to Poznan stop for a minute and try to  pick them up  ,because they are good guys belive  me :-))))))))))))
hope that you  will  see us in Poznan !