September 2004


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Ewa Solarczyk <[log in to unmask]>
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Ewa Solarczyk <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 20 Sep 2004 10:30:41 +0200
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AEGEE-Europe:: Monthly Review - March 2004 :: 
      :: Summary ::      
     1  Russia and EU    
      2  Press Conference of IFISO platform    
      3  AEGEE expresses enthusiasm over the new education programmes   
      4  Performing Arts Summer School   
      5  AEGEE raises its voice in defence of academic freedoms   
      6  The BRIDGE - joining the issues of mobility and disability   
      7  Upcoming events   
      8  AEGEE-Europe partners   
      9  Contact 


     :: Russia and EU ::   
      From the 2nd until 11th of July 2004, in the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, AEGEE's International Politics Working Group successfully organised a large-scale international conference devoted to Russia-European Union relations in the field of culture and politics after the latest EU enlargement. After a profound analysis of the cultural and political relationships between EU and Russia and their future development, as well as problems and perspectives of collaboration in the light of EU enlargement, the discussions in the circles of Russian and European students, scientists, diplomats and experts in the field of international relations brought a concrete outcome of several proposals to improve the mutual relations between the two regions. 
          Press release anticipating the conference can be seen here.

      Press Release - Report from the Conference - can be seen here.

     :: Press Conference of IFISO platform ::  
      On the 26th of July,the international students' organizations, members of the Informal Forum of International Students' Associations (IFISO), have met today in Brussels at a joint press conference covering the presentation of the independent Report on 'The Incoherency of the European Commission in Supporting Youth Organizations' - Focus on International Students' Organizations and a short introduction to IFISO and the International Students' Organizations involved.
      The report was sent to the European Commission (DG EAC), the European Parliament (Committee on Education and Culture) and selected key stakeholders in Brussels, outlines the changes in the scope of the support granted to International Youth NGOs and shows, how slight changes in the eligibility criteria decreased the number of granted student NGOs by 75% within one year (from 2002-2003). 
          To see the press release from the press conference, click here.

      To see the raport of IFISO platform, click here.

     :: AEGEE expresses enthusiasm over the new education programmes ::   
      On the 16th of July AEGEE made a statement expressing our enthusiasm and appreciation for the European Commission adoption of the proposals for the new generation of programmes in the education, youth, culture and audiovisual fields. 
      AEGEE has been involved in the process of discussion of the programmes, contributing with our own proposal of Blended Learning.

          See the statement here.

     :: Performing Arts Summer School ::   
      This innovative project was raising AEGEE's work in the field of culture to another, higher level. Talented student performers from all over Europe worked together for three weeks (15 August - 5 September), in Poland, to prepare a public performance of theatre, music and dance.    
          To learn more about the event, click here. top 

     :: AEGEE raises its voice in defence of academic freedoms ::  
      The European Students' Forum AEGEE was disturbed to learn that the Belarusian Ministry of Education has requested the resignation of the director of the European Humanities University, aiming at a complete closure of this Educational Institution. We disapprove of any actions heading for curbing of the academic autonomy and limiting the scope of academic freedom in Europe.
          To see the statement of our association in this issue click here. top  

     :: The BRIDGE - joining the issues of mobility and disability ::   
      The BRIDGE is a project dealing with the mobility problem of disabled students. The project's main aim is to enable disabled youth to actively participate in creating and developing civil society by joining events and other activities, which will be prepared with proper conditions to travel and experience things that weren't available for them before. The project has started this summer. 

      Form more infor ation contact the project manager - Luca Falcone.

          To find out more about AEGEE projects visit top 

     :: Upcoming events ::   
      The up-coming events are:

      1. Action Europe Planning Meeting - Aachen, 10-12 September
      2. Public Relations European School - Mannheim, 12-19 September
      3. Romania, Bulgaria and EU (conference) - Bucarest, 16-19 September
      4. Eye-Contact: Islam and Europe, (conference) - 01.10-06.10 October
          AEGEE Calendar of events click here. top 

     :: AEGEE-Europe partners::   
         JP Morgan
      Deutsche Bank
      CHN University Netherlands

      JCI (Junior Chamber International) 

      AEGEE-Europe is a member of Youth Forum Jeunesse and IFISO (Informal Platform of Student Organisations) and European Movement - our official media partner 
      Eurodesk -

      FATF - AEGEE Trust Fund Foundation - is an official AEGEE supporting partner -
          To learn more about AEGEE-Europe partners click here. top 

     :: Contact ::   
      If you have any questions concerning AEGEE activities or you wish to be unsubscribed from this list, please don't hesitate to contact: 

      AEGEE-Europe - 

      Rue Nestor de Tière 15
      B-1030 Brussels
      Tel: +32-2-215 40 68 
      Fax: +32-2-245 62 60 
      Email: [log in to unmask]

      In order to receive an AEGEE-Europe information package containing our publications (Key to Europe and The Gazette), contact Ewa Solarczyk, Public Relations Director.
      To learn more about AEGEE-Europe publications, go to the projects section by clicking HERE.

      To see the latest AEGEE Gazette click HERE.
          For more information about AEGEE click here top 


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