November 2003


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Ewa Solarczyk <[log in to unmask]>
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AEGEE Monthly Review mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 24 Nov 2003 11:17:30 +0100
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Date: 24.11.2003AEGEE takes action - European Day of LanguagesEuropean Day of Languages European Students' Forum AEGEE has joined the European Day of Languages  (EDL) celebrations on the 19th of November 2003 under the aegis of the Council of Europe. On this occasion almost 50 local branches of the Association all over Europe, from Bucuresti to Helsinki and Passau to Minsk, organised language courses, fairs and presentations of languages, popularising the idea of intercultural awareness and foreign languages learning. The project will be concluded with an evaluation-conference taking place in Sibiu - Romania on 1st of December. The European Day of Languages aims at promoting the rich cultural heritage of Europe and at fostering mutual understanding among different language communities all over Europe with a special focus on young people. It is also meant to promote language skills and their importance in personal development, intercultural understanding and European citizenship. The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe initiated the European Year of Languages 2001 and later declared the 26th of September as the European Day of Languages to be celebrated annually. More detailed information on this initiative can be found on (in English) and on (in French).According to the recommendations of the Council of Europe, a certain degree of flexibility is allowed regarding the date, as it proved inappropriate for the higher education field. Events may therefore also be held at other times during the year as part of the European Day of Languages initiative of the Council of Europe and it can be made use of the official logo. Making use of this possibility, AEGEE has decided to celebrate the European Day of Languages at a later date, on 19th of November.Details of our activities have been published on 26th September to make clear that they are part of the European Day of Languages of the Council of Europe.            This year AEGEE has organised this event on 19th of November as the CoE has allowed the academic world the flexibility to mark this event at the most suitable date for university students. AEGEE is one of Europe's largest interdisciplinary and voluntary student associations, operating without being linked to any political party, promoting a unified Europe, cross-border co-operation, communication and integration in academic environment, and at the same time striving to create an open and tolerant society of tomorrow. It is represented in 271 university cities, in 40 countries all around Europe and has about 17 000 members. For more information please contact:Sandra AdolfAEGEE actions under the  European Day of Languages Project coordinatorat [log in to unmask] 

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