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June 2004


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Luca Falcone <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Regional List for Malta, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 4 Jun 2004 15:48:51 +0200
text/plain (98 lines)

Dear friends,

it's time again for summarizing the Rainbow Regional Team activity in
the last month.

1. Communication Team activity
2. Support Team activity
3. Nursery Team activity
4. Missions

1. Communication Team activity

- The subteam started to work in order to promote Rainbow-l among the
boards and especially the new boards of the Region for increasing people
subscribed, in the way to improve the internal communication of the
- The second step is planned to be a presentation of the structure of
AEGEE on the mailing list, and the subteam is already working to prepare
the material.
- Knowledge transfer between Silvia and Anna: Anna is the new owner of
the Rainbow-l mailing list together with Luca.

Thanks to Vesna, Anita, Anna and Benedetta.

2. Support Team activity

- The subteam is working hard in contacting the locals of the Region and
monitoring the conditions of each of them. It will be a long work, but
it's really necessary for updating our knowledge of the network.
- In the meantime Alice went to Bobbio for a Mini-RM planned as part of
an event organized by AEGEE-Milano. It was a new idea, but unfortunately
there were no good results and the experience highlighted us the
necessity of a better communication with the local cooperating.

Thanks to Alice, Andra, Barbara and Marino.

3. Nursery Team activity

- The organization of the LTC in Pescara is going to be complete:
Valentina is co-ordinating it and she already divided the tasks among
the staff member. The contact with the local seems very good.
- The subteam already prepared and internal division of the contacts and
contact-antennae, in order to support each of them, and it already
supported AEGEE-Avellino/Benevento and AEGEE-Catania in general and
specifically in the organization of the first event, and even Contact
Lecce is already in close contact. In the meantime, in close cooperation
with the subteam,  Sasha, supporter of the regional teamis taking care
of Contact Gorizia-Nova Gorica, and Vesna is motivating new people for
founding a new local in Podgorica.

Thanks to Giselle, Alberto, Claudio and Valentina.

4. Missions

About the missions (activities not connected with the subteams division)
the most important and visible in this period are:
-  The work in Bosnia, where Andra and Vesna finally are in contact with
some people from AEGEE-Sarajevo and they are cooperating together for
the development of the Contact-Antenna, going early to become an
Antenna.  Maybe there are some problems more with people from
AEGEE-Tuzla, cause currently the communication with them is still almost
- The creation of a Rainbow Region website, that's a work Marino is
doing together with our supporter Sandro, and that's orientated to
provide the region with a easy and useful informative tool. Future
developments of this point are planned.

That's all for now, folk!
See you!



Luca Falcone
"Rainbow" Region Network Commissioner
AEGEE-Napoli Honorary Member
AEGEE-Ljubljana Ordinary Member
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